How to use data handling in quick replies

If I have a quick replies bubble with multiple choices (ex : What would you like to do ? A, B, C or D), how can I find out what my customers are clicking on and store this information ? Also, I want to reuse this information in the conversation and send myself this information too.

In order to find out and store your customers’ answers from a quick replies bubble, there are just 3 simple steps to follow :

  1. Click on a quick reply :

  2. Under data handling, click on add :

  3. Add a data key on the left (if you haven’t done this yet) and type in the title of the button/quick reply on the right :

Once you are done, just hit save.

To reuse this data in the conversation, simply click on the place where you would like to add it (whenever there is a text zone) and select your data key :

You can reuse this data key in the analytics dashboard, in emails, and many other features.